At New Life Christian Academy, we believe each child is uniquely gifted and called by God. His plans and purposes are already laid out for each child and they are perfect and complete. As parents and educators, the best course of action that we can pursue is to help them be ready to accomplish all that God has called them to do.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

As a parent, you have a sacred duty to teach your child and guide them toward the future that God has for them. It is our sincere desire to come alongside you in that endeavor, to assist you in teaching your child Godly principles alongside sound traditional education, so that they are ready to take on the world when the time comes.

Tailored Education

Each new student/family will meet with the school administration for an intake interview where the parent(s) and child will have the opportunity to explore the calling God has placed on their life and the role education should take in the fulfillment of that call. Some children, called to fields of endeavor that require higher education, will desire to pursue advanced mathematics and challenging subjects that other children may not require or desire. It is our heart and desire to come alongside you, as the parent, to help you design the kind of education your child will need to fulfill God’s purpose in his or her life.

Biblical Family Values

At New Life Christian Academy we recognize God’s Word as the primary guide for a successful life. Part of our educational philosophy will be to infuse daily lessons with the recognition of God as the LORD of our lives and as the ultimate source of justice and righteousness. We will assume that families attending our school are committed to living Christian principles at home and will not find offense in the teaching of these principles.

One Room Schoolhouse

Our educational philosophy recognizes that children advance in academics at varying rates. Rather than dividing our school into grade levels that focus solely on age, we will be using a “one-room-schoolhouse” approach to education that will allow all students to work at their own skill level while remaining with their peers. There will be no judgment about ability or skill level, only a desire to see each student progress, year over year, as they become who God has called them to be. To this end, at the beginning and end of each school year, every child will be given a skill assessment level that will help educators determine where that child may need extra assistance or additional challenges to help them advance in their education. Additional skill assessments throughout the year will track progress and help identify areas of struggle.

Special Needs – IEP Students

We recognize that each child is different and learns in different ways. However, there are some learning disabilities for which our staff will not be trained and capable of assisting. It is our desire to grow New Life Christian Academy to a place where we can employ specialists to handle every child’s need. But, in the beginning, we may or may not be able to provide the type of assistance a child requiring an IEP needs to succeed. Because we want every child to reach their full potential, we will be honest about our ability to come alongside you in educating your child with special needs. These questions can be addressed during the intake process. Both parents and educators will be a part of determining whether New Life Academy is the best fit for a student requiring special assistance.

Apply Today!

We look forward to meeting you and your family! If a new way of approaching education appeals to you, we hope you’ll apply today!