At New Life Christian Academy, it is our sincere desire to come alongside parents to help each child reach the full potential for which they were created. Both parents and educators have a resposibility to train children up in Godly ways and give the the tools to achieve all that God has planned for them.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

One Room Schoolhouse Approach

We recognize that children advance in academics at varying rates. Rather than dividing our school into grade levels that focus solely on age, we will be using a “one-room-schoolhouse” approach to education that will allow all students to work at their own skill level while remaining with their peers. There will be no judgment about ability or skill level, only a desire to see each student progress, year over year, as they become who God has called them to be. To this end, at the beginning and end of each school year, every child will be given a skill assessment level that will help educators determine where that child may need extra assistance or additional challenges to help them advance in their education. Additional skill assessments throughout the year will track progress and help identify areas of struggle.

Our Goals

At the heart of our educational philosophy is the acknowledgment that we are not educating children, but future adults. Adults who will one day be the leaders in our world and who need to be prepared to lead well.

We desire to partner with parents to educate future adults who will be:

Lovers of God – dedicated to putting God first in all that they do.

Grounded in truth – willing to speak truth to power, even within the limits of their own friend group.

Equipped – prepared for whatever call God has placed in their life

Self sufficient – able to provide for themselves and their families, and willing to contribute to the work of the church and betterment of their community.

Discerning – Sensitive to the Holy Spirit and able to spot a false argument, a philosophical fallacy, or straw-man debate, and willing to remain steadfast in their commitment to God and His truth.

Bold – good communicators, able to write and speak the truth, making cohesive, cogent and timely arguments in defense of truth, to their friends, their colleagues, the community and to those in power.

Motivated – adults still in love with learning, determined, life-long learners who recognize their own responsibility to learn and grow in the Lord.

Special Needs – IEP Students

We recognize that each child is different and learns in different ways. However, there are some learning disabilities for which our staff will not be trained and capable of assisting. It is our desire to grow New Life Christian Academy to a place where we can employ specialists to handle every child’s need. But, in the beginning, we may or may not be able to provide the type of assistance a child requiring an IEP needs to succeed. Because we want every child to reach their full potential, we will be honest about our ability to come alongside you in educating your child with special needs. These questions can be addressed during the intake process. Both parents and educators will be a part of determining whether New Life Academy is the best fit for a student requiring special assistance.

Is New Life Christian Academy A Good Fit For Your Family?

We recognize God’s Word as the primary guide for a successful life. Part of our educational philosophy will be to infuse daily lessons with the recognition of God as the LORD of our lives and as the ultimate source of justice and righteousness. We assume that families attending our school are committed to living Christian principles at home and will not find offense in the teaching of these principles. We look forward to meeting with you and getting to know you and your child(ren). If you think New Life Christian Academy might be a good fit for your child’s educational needs, please get in touch with us at (435) 496-0190 or fill out a connect request and we will contact you!