At New Life Christian Academy we believe that character development is the most important aspect of childhood education and that the pursuit of knowledge must include the forging of character. We desire to propel students beyond the boundaries of textbooks and into the realm of personal growth. While grades and accolades may glitter, it is the virtues, ethics, and resilience that truly shape the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. In a world hungering for empathy, integrity, and vision, the call to emphasize character development in education reverberates louder than ever. We are determined to answer that call, as we guide the children in our care to rise up as the leaders God has called them to be.

“..What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah 6:8

Our goals for the children in our care is to teach them how to think, as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in what to think. A person who can think critically and objectively, who is also rooted in the Word of God, will naturally become a force for good in the world.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Whatever our children are called to do in this life, no matter how talented or educated they might be, it does no good for their skill or talent to take them to a place where their character can’t sustain them. With that in mind, we at New Life Christian Academy are dedicated to focusing on developing Godly character as a cornerstone of education. It is not our goal to teach children what to think, we must, instead, teach them how to think for themselves, utilizing God’s guidance, in order for each child to discover the arena to which God has called them.

“What a tragedy it would be if our children’s skill or talent took them to a place where their character couldn’t sustain them.”

Mark Runyon – Pastor of New Life Christian Church.

We offer classes in traditional academics such as reading, writing, language arts, and mathematics. As a part of every academic subject, we work to intertwine morality and character-building lessons. We also offer a variety of Life Skills classes that help students be better prepared for life in the real world.

We hope you believe, as we do, that it is our job as parents and educators to empower our students not just with knowledge, but with character. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We are determined to wield this weapon with passion, purpose, and boundless energy, shaping a future where intellect and integrity illuminate the path to greatness. We hope you’ll join us.