
All paperwork and registration fees must be completed before a student can start.

Students must be able to care for their own bathroom needs before attending school. If an incident arises where a student needs help in the restroom, 2 staff members will accompany the student and the restroom door will be propped open.  This is for the protection of both staff and students. If a second staff member is unavailable, we will seek help from a sibling of the student. 

Attendance and Absences

Students need to be at school, on time, ready to learn. We are committed to providing a quality education to all students. We are concerned when a student is absent from school for any reason. The mission of New Life Christian Academy is to prepare every student with the knowledge and skills needed for lifelong success in a changing world. Students who are excessively absent from school are not able to accomplish their educational goals. 

New Life Christian Academy believes:

  • Seven or more days of excused absences within a school year are considered excessive and may require a doctor’s note to excuse subsequent absences. However, parents
  • An absence is considered excused if the student is ill or if the family is dealing with a traumatic event such as a death of a family member.
  • After five or more days of unexcused absences within a school year, the school will mail the student/parents a Truancy Letter asking for the parent’s help with their student’s attendance. 

We realize that there may be other reasons for your child’s absences and we are committed to supporting you, as the parent, in making sound decisions for your child. Extended family release time can be arranged by working with the school to provide at-home work for your child, for example in the event of an extended family vacation. Please contact the office if we can help in any way.

We are here to help you!

Check in and Check out

Parents/Guardians must check out students through the main office. Students will only be released to the people listed on the registration form and must have a photo ID.

Students will not be released to any person whose name is not on the registration card as an identified “pick-up person.” Photo ID is always required of anyone checking out a student. We will not accept notes or phone calls asking us to check out a student to anyone not on the card. You may come in at any time, with your ID, and add people to your check-out list. 


When a student is tardy and arrives at school after 9:15 a.m. they must enter through the front door and check in at the office. They will receive a tardy slip and go to class. 

Students who are tardy but arrive before 9:15 a.m. must enter through the main office, pick up a “tardy tiger slip”  and go straight to class. 

Students arriving on time will line up outside with their class. 

Accidents and Illnesses at School

If a student is injured on the school grounds, and the injury appears to be other than a minor injury, parents/guardians will be notified. The school employees are only allowed to administer ice, bandaids and kindness. If called please be prepared to pick up your student within the hour of contact. 

Illness Prior to Coming to School

If your child becomes ill before school you must keep them home. A student must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. These symptoms include a fever or throwing up, no matter the cause.  

Air Quality and Weather Conditions

Student health and safety is our primary concern. As such, our school will  monitor air quality indexes and take appropriate action based on guidance from the Utah Department of Health.

The guidance aligns with federal Air Quality Index (AQI) recommendations and links indoor recess recommendations to PM2.5 levels, which is the air pollutant of main concern during winter months. The guidance also takes into account students with respiratory symptoms or pre-existing respiratory conditions who may be more sensitive to poor air quality.

When weather conditions are unsafe for students to be outside, we will have students inside. When the temperature is around 25 degrees or below, or other extreme weather conditions, students will be inside.

 Lunch at School

Students will bring lunch from home. Something that does not require heating up or refrigeration. No peanut products, please.

Classroom Treats

Please contact the school to schedule a time to bring treats to the classroom. All treats (birthday, etc) must be commercially prepared and individually packaged. Homemade treats are not allowed due to Salt Lake County Health Department regulations. 

Cell Phones (Student Electronic Devices)

Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom. If parents wish for students to bring a cell phone to school, the cell phone (or other electronic device) must remain secured in the child’s back pack until pick up time. Parents sending cell phones to school release the school of all responsibility in the event of damage or loss.


Parents have the right to express concerns freely and openly, without fear of retribution from school personnel. Concerns about the classroom should be brought to the teacher’s attention first and then to the director’s attention next. 

Parents will receive notice of their student’s progress through SEP conferences. We ask that parents make an appointment to meet with teachers at the given times. 

Dress Code

Dress code is important in helping our school create a safe educational environment. Students will be required to wear a clean school shirt and tan or dark blue pants. Clothing should be in good repair and proper fitting.  If a student comes to school in anything that promotes violence, drugs, gangs, or anything not approved by the school, their attire will be immediately addressed. Student’s parent/guardian will be called to bring a change of clothes.

The dress standards of safe, clean, and modest can be interpreted in many ways; therefore, all dress code concerns must be addressed by the director or co-director to ensure that consistent response occurs.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Students are to be dropped off no earlier than 10 minutes before the start of school and picked up no later than 10 minutes after school ends. Please drop off  in the loading zone in front of the main entrance. Students must be dropped off along the curb. Parents are to remain in the car along the loading zone. If parents/guardians need to get out of their car, they must park in a designated parking stall.

Learning Practice at Home (HOMEWORK)

New Life Christian Academy focuses on learning during the school day. Time at home is encouraged to be with family and friends. Any learning practices sent home will be work that was not completed during the appropriate time provided by the school. We encourage 20 minutes of reading each day to build a lifelong love of reading. 


Medications will only be given at school if proper paperwork is completed. The medication form is available in the office and must be signed by the parent/guardian and physician. This applies to any kind of medication (including inhalers, aspirin, or any over-the-counter medication). If your student is on medication for a short-term illness (cold, strep, etc.) you must complete the medication form before we can administer any medication at school. 

Students must NOT bring any medication to school, it cannot be sent with a student under any circumstances, it must be brought by an adult. 


Please dress appropriately for the weather. All students have multiple times a day when they are outside. If you do not want your child outside due to an illness, please contact the director or co-director.

The following expectations should be adhered to for a safe school environment.

  • No hard balls or bats are allowed
  • No tackle games of any kind
  • No snowballs – snow stays on the ground
  • No toys or equipment from home
  • No playing in the parking lots
  • No swearing or fighting

All toys or other items need to stay at home. If brought to school, they will be confiscated and returned to the parent. It is not the responsibility of the school and or staff to ensure personal items are safe and cared for. Please keep any valuables at home. 

Safe School Policy

New Life Christian Academy strives to provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming school for all students. New Life Christian Academy policies prohibit conduct that is unsafe, disruptive, or disrespectful toward peers or staff members.

New Life Christian Academy policies prohibit threats or acts of violence, real or look-alike weapons; explosive or flammable materials; gang activity; criminal behavior; destruction or damage to property; willful disobedience or defiance, and possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, or other prohibited substances. 

Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and other similar conduct is also prohibited. Generally, this type of conduct includes an intent to cause distress or harm; involves a relationship with an imbalance of power; and includes repeated acts (or one serious act) of violence, intimidation, humiliation, or social isolation. Offending conduct can be physical, verbal or written and may come in the form of social pressure, criticism, disrespectful behavior, or excluding others from an activity intentionally. Conduct may be intended as retaliation toward another person, which is also prohibited. Offending conduct may be obvious or subtle and it can include enlisting another person to commit the prohibited actions. Offending conduct can also be considered discrimination if the conduct is based on a person’s race, gender, or other protected classification. 

Reporting and Correcting Offending Conduct 

If you are treated in the ways described above, or you see another person being treated that way, please report the conduct as soon as possible. There are many ways to make a report. 

  • You can talk to the director or co-director, teacher, or another employee at the school. 
  • You can write a message and deliver it to the office. 

The director or co-director will investigate all reports, make corrections, and work to prevent further misconduct. School officials shall notify parents of incidents involving bullying, cyberbullying, retaliation, harassment, discrimination, or other similar conduct. Based on the severity of the conduct, students may receive discipline including parent/guardian conferences, suspension/expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement. This policy covers conduct occurring at school and conduct outside of school if it affects the school environment. False reports or allegations are prohibited and may also result in discipline or expulsion. 

  • Suspension, the student will be removed from school up to 4 days depending on infraction and frequency.   
  • Expulsion, the student will no longer be welcome to attend New Life Christian Academy and tuition will be forfeited.    

Behavior Policy:

 Students are expected to follow the school and classroom rules. Our classroom rules are as follows:

1.     Follow directions the first time asked.

2.     Listen attentively

3.     Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. (KHFOOTY)

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

5. When the teacher is talking, you should be listening

6. Be prepared

7. Participate in whole group and small group activities 

8.  Use only positive words when speaking 

9. Keep your learning area clean

10. Do not bring toys from home

Rewards: If students follow the classroom rules they will be rewarded. These are the ways in which they will be rewarded:

  1. Praise from the teacher.

2.  Ticket (I will give the students who are following directions, listening and doing their work quietly a ticket that they can put their name on and put in a jar. I will pick ten tickets at the end of the week and they will get to pick out of the treasure box).

3. Panda Paws (students will get the opportunity to go to the Panda Store once a month)

4. Panda Peso’s (this is a whole class reward and students will earn fun parties)

Consequences: Any student who breaks the rules will be dealt with accordingly.

  1. First time breaking a rule, a verbal warning will be given.

2. He/she will drop a clip to yellow

3.  A time out in the classroom.

4. Time out in another classroom.

5. A note or a phone call home and/or sent to the director/co-director.

In case of a violent infraction student will go directly to the director/co-director and parents will be contacted.

Violent infractions include but are not limited to

  • Bitting
  • Slapping
  • punching
  • Scratching
  • Kicking
  • Throwing objects with the intent to hurt
  • Or any action meant to cause physical or emotional pain. 

Students need to follow directions and make safe choices in order to be invited to monthly school parties.


You are more than welcome to visit the school. However, to protect the school learning environment and student confidentiality, all visitors must have an appointment and must check in at the front office. 



Our math curriculum is designed to instill a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and promote critical thinking skills. We are proud to offer two outstanding programs: Math-U-See and Abeka Book Math. Math-U-See provides hands-on instruction and visual aids to help students grasp abstract mathematical concepts, while Abeka Book Math offers a traditional approach with a focus on mastery and practice. Through individualized instruction and small group activities, students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts while receiving personalized support and guidance from their teachers.

Language Arts:

Our Learning Through Literature program takes center stage in our one-room schoolhouse, as students immerse themselves in the world of literature and language arts. Through shared readings, group discussions, and collaborative projects, students explore classic and contemporary literature while honing their reading, writing, and communication skills.


For science education, we have chosen the Apologia Science curriculum, which is renowned for its rigorous content and hands-on experiments. Apologia Science takes students on a journey of exploration and discovery, covering a wide range of scientific topics while instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. Through inquiry-based learning and peer collaboration, students deepen their understanding of scientific principles and phenomena.

History and Social Studies:

In our one-room schoolhouse, history comes alive as students journey through the ages with our History of the World curriculum. Through interactive lessons, storytelling, and role-playing activities, students explore the rich tapestry of human history and gain a deeper appreciation for the cultures, events, and individuals that have shaped our world.

Our multi-grade classrooms allow students to learn from one another, collaborate across age groups, and develop strong bonds of friendship and support. Teachers serve as mentors and facilitators, guiding students on their educational journey while encouraging independence and self-directed learning.

We are confident that our one-room schoolhouse approach to learning will provide your children with a unique and enriching educational experience that fosters a love of learning, cultivates critical thinking skills, and prepares them for success in the 21st century and beyond.

Skill Based Testing

At New Life Christian Academy, we believe that true learning goes far beyond grade level. We desire to instill a deep understanding of subject matter and skills. We also acknowledge that not all children learn in the same way or at the same rate as their peers. To achieve the best academic outcomes for our students, we will utilize skill-based, rather than grade-based, testing for initial placement and progress tracking.

Skill-based testing focuses on assessing students’ abilities and competencies in specific areas, rather than just assigning a numerical grade. This approach allows us to better understand each student’s strengths and areas for improvement, leading to more personalized and effective learning experiences.

By emphasizing skill-based testing, we aim to promote a growth mindset among our students. Instead of focusing solely on achieving a certain grade, students are encouraged to focus on developing their skills and knowledge, which ultimately leads to deeper learning and better academic outcomes.

Furthermore, skill-based testing provides a more comprehensive picture of a student’s progress and achievements. It allows us to identify areas where students excel and areas where they may need additional support, enabling us to tailor our teaching strategies to meet their individual needs.

We believe that by shifting our focus to skill-based testing, we can better prepare our students for success in the future.